AZMA “Mind ei koti” album (digi)

AZMA “Mind ei koti” digitaalalbum (2016).

Formaat .mp3




AZMA lugude sisu on inspireeritud üldiselt üleskasvamisest keskkonnas, kus igapäevaelu domineerivad ahvatlused ja pahed, riskikäitumine, narkootikumid ja raha, naised, nii vaimne kui ka füüsiline vägivald ja pidev ühiskonna surve käia korralikult koolis, saada häid hindeid, minna tööle ja püsida hirmu tõttu predetermineeritud sotsiaalsetes normides.

“Mind ei koti” debüütalbum on kompromissitu, ründavalt agressiivne ning samaaegselt ironiseerivalt veider ja humoorikas. See ei pruugi sulle meeldida. See võib teha sind õnnelikuks ja rõõmsaks või hoopis vihaseks ja kurvaks. Kindel on ainult see, et see paneb su tundma.

01. Lastevanemate koosolek (intro) 1:20
02. Mind ei koti 4:27
03. Mis minust saab 3:22
04. Lootusetu juhtum 4:10
05. Fuck the world 3:23
06. Surmasoov (skit) 1:06
07. Mida sa tahad 4:10
08. Kõik on minu süü 3:55
09. Mingi kuulus räppar f. Maxtract 3:26
10. Minge perse 3:19
11. Bitch please (skit) 0:51
12. Ära ole kurb 3:32
13. Mul on ka mured 4:02
14. Suva 2:54
15. A´st Zetini 4:27



AZMA’s Online Presence

I have cultivated the entire online presence of AZMA, including Instagram, Facebook, Spotify, Apple Music, an official website, and a YouTube channel. Recently, I achieved a milestone of 750 stories on Instagram and am well on my way to reaching 1,000. Over time, I have developed a very loyal and engaging audience who regularly like and react to my stories, send direct messages, and order merchandise from the online store.

It has truly been a journey and has taught me a great deal:

From native features and third-party content editing tools to understanding possibilities, limits and their workarounds. To tone of voice, storytelling, forging emotional connections, and developing a world of meaning around you.

Instagram insights from the last 30 days:

Organic Spotify listener growth in the last 12 months +62.1% compared to previous period:

I am steadily aiming for 500K annual streams on Spotify only:

From multiple data points it is clear that AZMAs audience is split in two generations – millenials and Gen Z, both of who practise different digital habits. To increase our exposure in the Gen Z demographics, I have prepared a TikTok account, waiting to be launched because a proper plan of attack is in the works.

Insights about AZMA’s followers demography:

Below you can see an image grid of a multitude of blogposts that I’ve cultivated on AZMA’s website.

I also held a significant role in designing and building the website/webshop with Wordpress and Elementor and am responsible for managing it as well.

Some Google Analytics data about site performance in the past 28 days:

Youtube and Spotify streaming data respectively. Let it serve as a holistic reflection of results of all the different steps through the years. If the goal of a musician is to be heard, then let the numbers do the talking.

Kasutame sellel veebisaidil küpsiseid, et tagada veebisaidi nõuetekohane toimimine ja pakkuda sulle parimat võimalikku kasutajakogemust.